Wednesday, June 29, 2011


How long does the average person last when they go without any food or water? Not very long. Our physical bodies require frequent, consistent nourishment in order to function properly. When these basic needs are not satisfied, the resulting malnutrition has devastating effects. Indeed, if we go too long without any form of substance to sustain ourselves, we would starve to death. So, in order to keep ourselves from dying, we do certain things every single day. We eat food. We drink water. We sleep at night. They are very simple things, but they are things we must do in order to stay alive.

Our spiritual selves are the same way. There are certain things we must do in order to keep are Spirituality safe from starvation. Things like reading the scriptures, saying your prayers, and going to church are the basics we must adhere to if we want our spirits to survive. It is no wonder that Jesus Christ Himself is given names such as "the Bread of Life (John 6:33-48" or "Living Water (John 4:10-13)" in the New Testament. If we do the small things every day that bring us closer to Christ, we can be assured of the promise found in the sixth chapter of John, verse thirty five: "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."