Monday, January 9, 2012

My Hobby

One of my favorite hobbies is building models. As a kid, it seems that I always had something to work on. Simple plastic models of airplanes were my favorite when I was a little boy. As time moved on, I grew older and my fingers became more dexterous, enabling me to create many more things. Complicated wooden planes, tanks, cars, figurines, buildings, and scenery, to name a few. Building materials include plastic, clay, balsa wood, insulation foam, hardboard, sculpting putty, styrofoam, wires, and on rare occasions, even pewter. In my room you can always be guaranteed to find any number of those things, as well as paint, brushes, prettymuch any kind of glue ever (plastic glue, wood glue, super glue, Elmer's, epoxy, rubber-infused black tire glue, est.), that wierd powdery grass stuff, sandpaper, exacto knives, and a huge mess.

Creating tangible things is a passion of mine. I am a terrible artist and my songwriting skills are very basic, so the need to create has been fulfilled via models. There is nothing better than to see something that is simple and boring slowly change and come together until it is a beautiful masterpiece (or at least much more interesting than when it started).

God feels the same way about us when we change and improve ourselves. He is our Creator, and as such He is always working on us, improving us, making us better little by little. A typical model will take me several days to complete. Some may take me a few weeks before the final product is attained. God has a lifetime to work on us, and what is the end result? What is our potential? God has the ability to sculpt and mold us little by little until we become something extraordinary, if we allow Him to do so. When we trust His refining hand in our lives, we will eventually become someone who can return to His presence, and partake of Eternal life with Him.