Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So a strange thing happened to me the other day. I was sitting on the couch, very tired, when all of a sudden I fell into a wierd trance. It was almost like 'Self-Hypnosis'. I think it happened because my body tried to fall asleep but my mind was fighting too hard to stay awake, so I fell into a sort of half-sleep mental state. It was super trippy. I was having a bunch of dreams that felt like they were real, more than any other dream I have ever had. Also, it lasted a whole hour, but it only felt like a few minutes. I don't really know the psychology or the brain chemistry but needless to say, it was an interesting experience.

So, what does this have to do with the Gospel? Well, let me tell you. The hour I spent wigging out over who-knows-what was a complete waste of time. It is an hour that I wish I could have back. I suppose life can be like that sometimes. How often do we miss things because we are too busy being distracted by our own little world? True, a Psycho-Hypnotic experience is an extreme example, but being 'zoned out' causes us to miss a lot of things. Do I know what happened during that hour? Not a chance. So, how can we get more out of life? We follow the advice of the Psalmist, who said: "Be still and know that I am God." Everyone knows the old saying, 'stop and smell the roses.' With those two thoughts in mind, we can conclude that the secret to living a fuller life is this: Pay Attention!

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